Prep for the CCIE Security Certification with Instructor-led Training from 5x CCIE Rohit Pardasani
Gain practical experience with INE experts to confidently face one of the industry's most competitive and demanding exams.

Price includes 30 days of premium access starting on day one of the live training (9/11/23) and allows access to hands-on course materials and labs for use with guided instruction during the 10-hour daily window.
Save $1,000* by using this code at checkout: 1000CCIEAnniv2023
**free seats as “giveaway” prohibited
Register now!Small Print You’re Going to Want to Read:
Harnessing the world's most powerful hands-on lab platform, cutting-edge technology, global video distribution network, and world-class expert instructors, INE is the top training choice for Fortune 500 companies worldwide and for IT professionals looking to advance their careers.
INE’s suite of learning paths offers an incomparable depth of expertise across cyber security, cloud, networking, and data science. INE is committed to delivering the most advanced technical training on the planet while lowering the barriers worldwide for those looking to enter and excel in an IT career.