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Cloud Security:

Challenges and Solutions in 2024

Businesses will spend more than $1 trillion on cloud infrastructure in 2024. Understanding how to invest smartly and securely is paramount in this quickly evolving landscape. New research conducted by INE zeroes in on the biggest challenges facing organizations, pinpoints effective security solutions and offers insight into how different types of training can impact overall preparedness.

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  • Employee training programs are the most effective form of cloud security.

  • Human error is seen as the biggest threat to cloud security, but organizations are actively working to train employees and implement best practices like multi-factor authentication.

  • While organizations use a mix of native cloud tools and third-party solutions for security, a lack of skilled personnel is still a top challenge.

  • Moving forward, unknown threats like zero-day vulnerabilities and advanced persistent threats present the biggest concern. Most feel moderately prepared to deal with future challenges.

  • Organizations are prepared to make a significant investment in cloud in 2024, but an alarming 25% are holding out with no plans to invest.
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